90 Day
6 Month
Customized System:
Success Strategies, Healing, And Intuition
Mentoring Package
This package can also be used over a 6 month period of 2 hours per month.
This program is a multi-step process to create a congruent relationship between one’s Soul
Purpose, core values and their goals so that the goal design is directly connected to their true,
authentic inner Self.
Discovering “what makes you tick” reveals the values, activities, ideals, and goals
that live deep within a person’s nature. I use an elicitation process to reveal one’s “Tick
Statement” that includes aspects of the work of Jan Stringer and Stacey Hall, authors of the
book: Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power Of Strategic Synchronicity.
The intended outcome of this program IS to fully align an individual’s goals with
who they truly are versus the person that they think they “should” be in their life. When
congruently aligned the goal accomplishment journey can be more fun, fulfilling, creative,
intuitively strategic and on purpose with that person’s Soul Purpose
I will be using long distance energy transmissions throughout the program. This
energy transmission is to facilitate the participant’s ability to release energy blockages
and to accelerate access to their intuition. Energy blockages would appear in the form of
unwanted behaviors, habits, low self esteem, ambivalence, indecision.
This package can be used in a 90 day intensive or 6 month structure depending upon the goals
and needs of the participant.
This program is a system of trainings and coaching sessions designed to create a congruent
relationship between one’s Soul Purpose, core values and one's goals so that the goal projects are
directly connected to one's true, authentic inner Self.
Discovering “what makes you tick” reveals the values, activities, ideals, and goals
that live deep within a person’s nature. I use an elicitation process to reveal one’s “Tick
Statement” that includes aspects of the work of Jan Stringer and Stacey Hall, authors of the
book: Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power Of Strategic Synchronicity.
The intended outcome of this program IS to fully align an individual’s goals with
who they truly are versus the person that they think they “should” be in their life. When
congruently aligned the goal accomplishment journey can be more fun, fulfilling, creative,
intuitively strategic and on purpose with that person’s Soul Purpose
I will be using long distance energy transmissions throughout the program. This
energy transmission is to facilitate the participant’s ability to release energy blockages
and to accelerate access to their intuition. Energy blockages would appear in the form of
unwanted behaviors, habits, low self esteem, ambivalence, indecision.
Private Session Format:
• 16 hour
• Completed in 90 days or in 6
• There will be flexibility
depending upon client needs
regarding amount of time for each session and
the number
of sessions for each month
Program Components:
• Soul Purpose
• Passion
Test™ process
• Tick Statement
• Core Values
• Goal and project design with
action plans
• Coaching and healing for
client's current issues
This Program Is Perfect For People Who:
- Are ready to identify their Soul Purpose and express
it through their entrepreneurial business endeavors.
- Wish to create a
congruent alignment between their goals and the core values of their authentic
- Desire to have a clear
sense of direction where they are connecting their values and goals to their Soul
- Feel the need to be
concentrated and on purpose versus disjointed and scattered in their goal planning and
action steps.
- Long to bring out the
unique gifts of their life experiences, vision for their passionate, meaningful
- Are searching for how
to integrate their passions and sense of Soul Purpose into their every day routines and
One Payment …. $15,000.00

This will take you to our contract page to complete your

“Sasha Sabbeth is a very gifted
intuitive soul coach. In a very short time, she drew my life purpose from deep within me,
right from my soul. My face immediately looked younger and I felt more grounded in my natural
energy as Sasha helped me release old energy blocks that no longer served me. Sasha’s process
has given new meaning and clarity to my work. I feel more in alignment with who I really am
and what my gifts are. Knowing my soul purpose has given me the confidence to offer new
programs and charge higher prices for my services because I now know that what I can do for
people is invaluable.”
- Jan Marie Dore, MCC: The
Professional Women’s Success Coach - www.femalepreneurs.com
"As a coach, Sasha offers
something truly unique. She leads me to right action that comes from my core, rather than
what I think I should be doing. She has a wide breadth of knowledge, is highly intuitive, and
has a profound level of spiritual integrity that continually calls forth the best in me. I
now have greater integrity within myself, which in turn has made me more powerful in the
world. I’ve gone from feeling stressed and uncertain, to waking up each day excited about my
business and grateful for the ever increasing opportunities that are coming my
- Joie Seldon, M.A.: Emotion
EducationTM Practitioner, Public Speaker- www.joieseldon.com
Thank you
with all my heart for your beautiful nourishing words of
encouragement. As GalwayKinnell says, "Sometimes it is necessary to re-teach a
thing its own loveliness"......and you are a truly sublime
teacher! Thank you for seeing through and getting me through my own
fog to arrive on higher ground.
We could do a
rhyme here:
Sasha, so witty and
Gets you onto higher ground --
wakes you up, gets you unstuck --
Empowers you to change your luck!!
In other
I have worked
(and played!) in individual sessions with Sasha Sabbeth for over two years. Coaching with Sasha has
changed my life for the better on all levels. I regard the power with
which she enabled me to return to my soul to be among the greatest rare and pivotal transformative
experiences of my life. With extraordinary compassion and skill, as well as healing humor and
infinite patience, she has perceptively guided me in the direction of my life's work and given me
essential validation of the importance of staying true to my heart and core values.
To complete
the year with more clarity, inspiration, and purpose, Sasha suggested that I ask my life partner to
participate in a customized goal-setting workshop that she designed for the two of us. We worked
for three hours over the phone with Sasha on the day of New Year’s
Eve. The result: my partner and I attained a new level of respect and
clarity which I had never thought possible. After 24 years of being in our romantic partnership, I
feel that my partner and I are on common ground for the very first time! We are now making a much
needed new beginning. Sasha's guidance is pure gold!”
- Chetana Karel: Hypnotherapist, Sound Healer, Actress,
with Sasha has been an incredibly empowering experience. The 10 minute Daily Laser Coaching And
Healing Program sessions have helped me achieve clarity about my Life Purpose and how
to release what has been holding me back. Working in partnership with Sasha, I am creating a plan
for my future which reflects my passion and life purpose, honors my commitment to self care in
body, mind and spirit, authenticates my desire to make a difference in the world with my work, and
to Succeed in Sync with My Soul ™!”
Mary E. Knippel:
Creativity Mentor, Writer, Speaker - www.openuptoyourcreativity.com
“I have
greatly appreciated your soul coaching services, which you accomplished over the phone over several
sessions. I believe they have helped me more strongly focus on my
marketing activities by identifying those values and beliefs that motivate or hinder my goal
achievement, and to see what means and ends I take to satisfy these goals. These exercises made me
realize more than ever what values are most important to me, so that I only pursue clients who
match those goals. Thank you for your valuable services. I look forward to our next
- Nancy
Lewellen, Esq. – Palladian Law Group
– www.palladianlawgroup.com
Sabbeth is a coach but not in any way that I had ever experienced. She takes a very spiritual and
yet practical approach to increasing business. She helped me to see who I want to attract and how
to go about doing that. Since working with her, I've found that I do attract only the people that
fit my profile. Life is much easier since working with Sasha so I can highly recommend
Leslie Ellis: Independent Consultant - Domestic and International
Insurance Brokers
“ In this
time of great challenge and change, I was grateful to meet and begin work with Sasha
Sabbeth. I knew from my first session, that I had met an excellent
and powerful coach. Our sessions also brought encouragement and excitement to me around the goals I
was looking to accomplish. I found Sasha to be very insightful and intuitive with many varied
methods that she utilizes with great skill. I have appreciated the important work regarding
aligning with my values and coming to understand the results of not living those values. I have
experienced some deep shifts that have resulted in new actions and results. Personally, I have been
experiencing a career transition that has been an 8 year transition.
I received my
Real Estate license in 2005 and while there are many aspects to Real Estate I enjoy, I knew there
was a deeper passion in my life that wasn't being addressed. I
obtained my Co-Active Life Coaching Certificate from Coaches Training Institute in 2003 and
subsequently facilitated several Collage Workshops. Sasha quickly picked up on my underlying desire
to do this work and teach the process of Visioning. I have a Collage Workshop scheduled for the end
of March. I am much more in contact with my desire and commitment to do work I am passionate about.
Sasha was instrumental in assisting me to give voice and action to my soul passion.
I have
also noticed that I am much more committed to using my internal personal support rather than
needing outside support, which is a wonderful shift for me. Sasha brought clarity to
my life and career goals that has resulted in a clear path and vision as to where I want to go. I
am looking forward to 2009 as I know this will be a year of opportunity and positive results in my
career and personal life. As a Realtor in this challenging Real
Estate market, I am happy to report two sales in the new year...and we are in
- Denise Swaby: Realtor - Creative
Property Services
“Sasha Rocks!
Working with Sasha is like being on a space shuttle when it launches. Once the solid rocket
boosters have been ignited, there is no stopping, you are LAUNCHING … whether you planned for it or
not. You are on your way!
I never
imagined this much ground could be taken in just 2 1/2 short weeks. I spent years in therapy and
never made as much progress as I have made in this short amount of time by working with Sasha as my
Success Coach, Personal Development Trainer, and Healing Guide.
I can truly
say that I am so much happier, at peace and relaxed. These kinds of emotions and states seemed non
existent prior to working with Sasha. Many actions and pursuits that I have resisted or avoided
previously are now so much easier to deal with on a day to day
basis. I highly recommend her Entrepreneur’s Life Purpose Soul Coach
Packages and services.”
- Lynne Sagen: Online Marking and SEO
Specialist - www.lynnesagen.com
“I am now
working with Sasha on a regular basis to deepen my understanding of my passions, values, and to
learn how to integrate the tools and techniques into my mode of operation in all areas of my life.
Having done other coaching programs and being an avid goal-setter all my life, I have participated
in many programs with many types of consultants and facilitators. To date, I have not come across
anything or anyone whose work was as deeply effective as the coaching and training work that Sasha
does with me. I am grateful for having met her at this time in my life. She's a rock, she's a
shining light, she's human and warm, and above all, a wonderful source of inspiration. I highly
recommend her to anyone who wants to connect with their soul and live a passionate
- Lone Mørch: Photographer, Sensual
Facilitator - www.lolosboudoir.com
“I am an
active teacher, writer and community volunteer with a number of creative projects in the works.
While I'm already able to get a lot done and am generally satisfied with my accomplishments, the
hour I spent focusing on values and goals with Sasha was extremely productive. With her guidance
and insights, I sharpened my thinking and clarified my feelings--about myself and my work. She's a
good listener and efficient strategist who draws from a packed toolbox of strategies that help you
define needs, spot obstacles, make decisions and move ahead. She helps you become more self-aware
and empowered so you can live life with more integrity and fulfillment. Thanks,
- Ellen
“If you
want to be inspired and motivated to fulfill you life’s passion, Sasha Sabbeth is the
Entrepreneur’s Life Purpose Soul Coach that can help you be all that you ever dreamed to
be. I met Sasha at a networking event. I was fortunate to win the free session with
her, and since the first meeting, my life is completely different. In the beginning, our sessions
were about dealing with some personal issues that were affecting my emotional stability, and
hindering my passions. Sasha was amazing in reading my energy even before I said anything. She
could sense my energy and her observations were so on point, I was in awe of her gifts. I have
never doubted her gifts, and after a few sessions, I wanted more. I needed Sasha to help me
decipher my desires from my gifts and talents.
As a
result of my sessions with Sasha, I have been able to channel my energy to be more focused and
disciplined to live my dreams. I always believed I was a motivated and confident
person, but there are times when I would need that extra push, and that extra guidance to keep me
on the right track. Sasha provided me with tools to help me stay focused, and to break down all the
tasks of my projects to more manageable pieces. Things didn’t seem so monumental. After ever single
session, I always feel invigorated to accomplish more. More than ever, I feel my dreams can be
achieved now that I have been given the tools to use my inner energy to propel myself forward. I
know that I wouldn’t be where I’m at emotionally and professionally if it wasn’t for Sasha’s
guidance. My business is still in the beginning stages, but I don’t have the same fear as I did
when I began my sessions with Sasha.
I know that
my relationship with Sasha will continue to grow as I continue to grow.”
Tonya Hawes: Entrepreneur and Owner -
HWE Consulting Services - www.hwemarketing.com