Your Business Mojo
Claim Your Soul Purpose
Sasha Sabbeth
Entrepreneur’s Life Purpose Soul
Listen to a
sample here
In this dynamic, eWomen organization live
presentation, Sasha offers:
An easy, fun, and
powerful exercise to access your Mojo at will.
Self Hypnosis and
NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) exercises
An explanation of Soul Purpose and
the importance of knowing your Soul Purpose for personal and professional benefits.
Simple, fast techniques to
harness your Passion Power in the face of challenges.
self inquiry questions with which to begin an internal process to identify your Soul
Life Purpose.
Techniques to rev up your Mojo and
feel greater confidence regardless of the existing
"Living one’s Soul Purpose allows for the experience
of extraordinary confidence, clarity, love, magic, creative genius, success, resiliency,
personal power, and inner peace ." Sasha

energy is as dynamic as her content! If you need a quick boost of energy and
motivation as well as a reminder of how to harness the power of intent to live a more
passionate life - then this is for you!”
- Aimée Lyndon-Adams: Spiritual
Energy Healer –
“Sasha Sabbeth presents with the same passion that
she instills in her audience. This presentation will have you begin to open to what is truly
your soul’s passion and begin to put yourself on your passion path.”
- Caterina
Rando, MA
, MCC: Business Success Coach –
Sabbeth is excitement itself onstage. Not only is her information immediately usable
(a feat in itself!), but it is delivered with such enthusiasm and conviction that we in the
audience couldn’t help but be riveted. I highly recommend her
- Dia North: HID Video Productions
“Sasha has a unique way of showing people the way
to get in touch with their passion. She inspires this connection, as when you are
following you passion, that is when you will truly thrive in life! Her presentation is
easy to assimilate, and you will leave there moved and on a quest to discover your
- Bonnie Bruderer: Life-Coaching
& NLP –www.theonecoaching.com
“Sasha, I
just wanted to thank you for an inspiring and energizing talk: Create A Passion Powered
Business To Success. I especially liked the way you showed us how to tap those wonderful
feelings associated with achievement and use them to great effect in our business and
personal lives. I looked around the room at one point and the audience was doing some Level
One note-taking. Obviously, they agreed with me that we received some important, motivating,
and practical information from you this evening. I can't thank you enough for giving me the
ideas and the push to get out there and go!”
Patricia Daeley: Principal
“I have
worked with Sasha Sabbeth as a coaching client on several occasions. She is utterly
committed to her clients, and has the unique ability to offer content that is relevant to
the client while working her magic.
highlighted in her presentation: Create A Passion Powered Business To Success, even when one
is feeling diffused, lacking confidence or just generally tired of working in their chosen
field (and we all get there from time to time), Sasha has exercises and techniques to put
you back on track and feeling passionate about life and work.
I highly
recommend Sasha as a Entrepreneur’s Life Purpose Soul Coach to anyone who wants to be
inspired, to become more passionate about their life’s purpose, and to pursue their
committed objectives.”
- Nancy
Lewellen: Attorney - Palladian Law Group
“Sasha is a passionate speaker and obviously
knowledgeable about living one’s passions. She really got me thinking about my “Mojo”
and what is active in my energy field that impacts my personal and professional life
experiences. Also, I am using a NeuroLinguistic Programming technique that she taught
in her presentation called “anchoring.” I apply it by remembering a desired past
experience and then anchor it to bring forward into my
present NOW . I am finding this particular
technique to be very empowering and effective in attaining my day to day
- Nancy
D. Waring: Communications and Marketing Consultant