For The Spirit Driven, Mission Directed, Profit
Committed Two Week TeleClassIncludes 30 Minutes
Private Session With Sasha
Ready To Make BIG
Yes?Then This TeleClass Is For You!To Launch You Into 2014:
Two Week Format Includes 30 Minutes
Private Session With Sasha Spiritually infused Meditation MP3:
"Ignite Your Ideal Life!"
~Two Weeks To Get You Efficient, Focused, And Soul Aligned~2 Spirit Charged, Purpose Vision Packed SessionsSpiritually infused Meditation MP3: "Ignite Your Ideal Life!"Two Hours Each ClassWednesdays5:00 - 7:00PM PST / 8:00 - 10:00 PM ESTClick To Locate Your Time Zone
Sasha and her Soul Purpose
30 Minute Private, Phone Session With Sasha Sound Healing For Release
And Activation Purpose Soul Radiance & Revenue eZine Meditation MP3 ~ Ignite Your Ideal Life with Companion eBook Self Inventory Transformation Guide Soul Purpose Success Tips Series Private Facebook Group Buddy Support
January 2014 Course
If clarity and purpose is what you seek, Sasha Sabbeth is the professional to call "Sasha Sabbeth has a gift and has developed it into a life-long passion and career. I had an opportunity to work with Sasha and was amazed at the purpose and clarity she brought to our session. Admittedly, I didn't know what to expect but was struck by the value she offered. Sasha has three different modalities that she uses to work with clients. We spent about 20 minutes on each one, allowing me to experience her value first hand. In all three cases, her energy work and intuition were clear and enlightening. I have never worked with coaches or therapists in my life, but could immediately see the benefits an intuitive guide like Sasha would bring to my personal life and my business Her focus on revealing and developing "soul purpose" is a perfect description for her expertise. If clarity and purpose is what you seek, Sasha Sabbeth is the professional to call." Patrick Schwerdtfeger
Celestial Sound Healing Experiences Steve Hartman -
Certified Passion TestTM
Facilitator Brenda Pearce -
Speaker, Healer, Biomatrix Teacher, TeleSummit Hostess: Healthy Wealthy Evolution
TeleSummit |
“My experience of Sasha’s
energy transmission was phenomenal. Although it only last a few minutes, I could
feel a deep shifting and aligning of my energy for optimal soulful success. Sasha
is one of the most powerful intuitive and conductors of energy transmission that I
have encountered. Her depth of connection to Spirit is one of the deepest and most
powerful that I have witnessed after being with thousands of healers around the
"Sasha has the depth of training, character, life experience, soul connection and compassion to see deeply inside someone. When we cannot ourselves figure out how to heal our issues (we all have issues) or move from a stuck position (we all get stuck in some part of our lives), Sasha then bequeaths you that beautiful experience of gentle guidance and support which begins your healing or growth. She's one of those deeply genuine, loving talents that has so much to offer it's doubtful anyone could tap her full potential. Thanks Sasha, you're amazing!" Allison Bliss -
Allison Bliss Consulting -
This is Your Year
Sasha's unique healing abilities...authentically designed specifically for her clients so that we can align to our unique Divine selves and heal from all levels. "Sasha's unique healing abilities with her high vibrational sound healing vocal tones is unlike anything that I have ever experienced. She definitely channels the vibrational sound healing from direct Source or from our Celestial heavens through her and directly to the clients that she transforms from the core of their being that is authentically designed specifically for them so that we can align to our unique Divine selves and heal from all levels." - J.R.C. - Nurse's Assistant, Intuitive, Business Owner
“The first
time I heard Sasha’s toning, I found my jaw dropping to the floor and tears came
to my eyes. I had never experienced such exquisite tones with such incredible
energy in my life. My private session
with Sasha was quite emotional, moving, and potent. I found it to open me to
a deeper breakthrough that was waiting to happen. It cleared through layers
of energy from past lives that were ready to be released. The combination of
Sasha’s intuitive, energetic, and toning gifts makes what she offers a VERY
POWERFUL TREASURE!!!” - Dan Hanneman “The BlockBuster”, Intuitive Business Coach and Healer -
Knowing my Business Soul Signature has given me a clarity and confidence inside myself that has solidified my focus “As a
coach, Sasha offers something truly unique. She leads me to right action that comes
from my core, rather than what I think I should be doing. She has a wide breadth of
knowledge, is highly intuitive, and has a profound level of spiritual integrity
that continually calls forth the best in me. I now have greater integrity within
myself, which in turn has made me more powerful in the world. I’ve gone from
feeling stressed and uncertain, to waking up each day excited about my business and
grateful for the ever increasing opportunities that are coming my
way. “ Joie Seldon, M.A. -
January 2014 Course
I found it much easier to breathe and felt like I had hope. I now know that I do have choices and I know which direction I need to be going
had a complimentary energy and Soul Purpose session with Sasha and wanted to share
the experience I felt with her readers. I am a complicated case because I have a
rare muscle disease, have had a stroke and a brain anyurism on the heels of a
marriage of 30 years that ended in divorce. I also have difficulty speaking as my
throat is partially paralyzed on one side from the stroke. I made contact with her
because I wanted/needed direction as to how to proceed forward. I had built a
website, but find it hard to sell my own products. I felt lost when I contacted
her. During our session, she sent energy to me and at first I felt as though I
wanted to cry, but then I began to feel a lightness in my chest. The feeling
continued on to my stomach and eventually, to my whole body. I found it much easier
to breathe and felt like I had hope. I now know that I do have choices and I know
which direction I need to be going." |
"When I experienced Sasha's Celestial Toning, I felt as though the sounds were re-organizing my molecules. They attuned me to my inner world. They were energizing. They released energetic blockages so that I was able to return to writing my play script and to go forward on my path. The sounds cleared out a lot of irrelevant mental chatter."
I personally look forward to sending you healing energies and teaching you strategies that will help you get on track, stay on track, and claim your 'Track' where you can trust yourself to pursue your dearest dreams ~ Blessings And Love, Sasha |