Entrepreneur Intuition
And Purpose Soul Coach
Sasha Sabbeth is an Entrepreneur Soul
Coach with 29 years experience as a personal, spiritual, and
business development consultant, speaker, and trainer. Her mission is to help clients craft
themselves, their business, and their world to passionately live their Soul Purpose. Sasha's
signature message is: Succeed In Sync With Your Soul ™
The process and identification of knowing one's Soul Purpose gives a person deeper access to
inspired success, joy, creativity, and inner peace. Sasha demonstrates for clients that clarity
about Soul Purpose, courage of action, and commitment to become the person they need to be to have
what they truly long to live all contribute to an obvious inner Shift. This Shift is actually an
awakening to a profound spiritual awareness whereby a person comes to "see" and express their true
Soul Essence. Once the Soul Purpose is discovered, Sasha then guides her clients and audiences to
identify their unique Business Soul Signature that has their entrepreneurial and other business
objectives be a seamless extension of their Soul Purpose. In this way, Sasha's work removes the
need to feel that one must compartmentalize and fracture one's life expression in order to be
fulfilled. Rather, Sasha's objective is for an individual to consistently live what they were born
to live and have that life be Passion and Spirit rich.
As a Certified Passion Test Facilitator and a True Purpose Coach™, Sasha's specialties include
guiding her clients (especially those in life transition), to focus on their passions and life
calling to design a life that they were born to live.
Client benefits have been greater business profits, expanded client base, more effective
strategic productivity, heightened intuition, nurturing and appropriate relationships, dynamic
courage, greater clarity of intention and purpose, spiritual values implemented into day to day
life, and improved health.
As a catalyst, Sasha aids individual clients and large audiences to connect to their intuition,
core values, and their intrinsic talents. Clients acknowledge how they are moved by her
perceptiveness, compassion, and persistence. These qualities are the hard-earned, yet blessed
results of Sasha's own extreme life experience of illness and emotional trauma.
Her simple, effective tools include Neuro Linguistic Programming, Print Strategies profile
personality assessment tools, project design strategies, self hypnosis, law of attraction
templates, intuition building, and stress management techniques. When appropriate, Sasha uses her
unique transformative tool of vocal toning to help clients release the blocks that limit them,
strengthen their goal attainment, and experience healing relaxation.
For devoted pet owners, Sasha offers leading edge resources which inspire clients to better care
for and understand their pets. As a Reiki Master and a Soma Pi energy healer, Sasha transmits hands
on or long distance healing energies to help pets recover from injury and illness. When ready to
die, Sasha also assists pets to transition over the "Rainbow Bridge" and comforts their companions
who are left behind.

Sasha's extraordinary relationship with her dog, Echo, influenced Sasha's commitment to the well
being of animals. It was because of their deep love for each other and strong commitment to life,
that Echo survived cancer for 11 years. She transitioned peacefully in Sasha's arms at the age of

Sasha with
Serenity. Serenity was put to sleep due to suspected vaccination induced

Sasha now lives in beautifulSonoma County, California with her rescued cat,