Speaker Sheets
Create A Passion
Powered Business To Success
Electrify Your Business
Mojo & Claim Your Soul Life Purpose:
Claim Your Soul Purpose NOW!
Succeed In Sync With Your
SoulTM Passion And
Purpose In Claiming Your Ideal Life:
Living Your Passions, Life Purpose, And
The Passion
“Sasha Sabbeth is
excitement itself onstage. Not only is her information immediately usable (a feat in
itself!), but it is delivered with such enthusiasm and conviction that we in the audience couldn’t
help but be riveted. I highly recommend her seminars!”
Dia North: HID Video Productions – www.expertinabox.tv
I just wanted to thank you for an inspiring and energizing talk: Create A Passion Powered
Business To Success. I especially liked the way you showed us how to tap those wonderful
feelings associated with achievement and use them to great effect in our business and
personal lives. I looked around the room at one point and the audience was doing some Level
One note-taking. Obviously, they agreed with me that we received some important, motivating,
and practical information from you this evening. I can't thank you enough for giving me the
ideas and the push to get out there and go!”
Patricia Daeley:
Principal - www.rollinghilldesign.com