Sasha Sabbeth Life Purpose Soul Coach

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 FREE No obligation Soul Purpose Success
Strategy Session

Let’s explore what you need to live your Soul Purpose lifestyle more effectively for greater joy, freedom, success, and inner peace.
I am honored to have the opportunity to contribute to this vitally important
and thrilling exploration with you.




Listen here To Sasha's Welcome Message with a comprehensive tour of her
Coaching - Healing Programs and Packages








A true healer and magical soul coach walks among us.  She calls herself Sasha Sabbeth:  Leadership Soul Coach.  The picture of her on her web site portrays her as an attractive woman, mortal and very much of the flesh. Yet, I have experienced her as my "axis mundi". Sasha has taken me deep into my center and then provided me with a sacred ladder to reach the higher vibrational frequencies of my unlimited potential. She took big risks and held a mirror for me to see what I could not speak or feel, yet lay deep within. Sasha has healed my shoulder, opened my heart, fired up my passions and brought clarity and purpose to my life and work. All this in 21 ten minute Laser sessions!” 


 - Mary Leah Taylor: Actor/Writer/Producer: Bodega Schoolhouse Productions


"Doing the Laser program with Sasha was a turning point in my life. It was a challenge for me to show up for myself every single morning in such a  concentrated way, and profound to have someone so lovingly and wisely hold my feet to the fire. And, it paid off financially as I have just had my single best week financially since I started my business. Of particular impact was the work we did to elicit my Business Soul Signature. Knowing my Soul Signature has given me a clarity and confidence inside myself that has solidified my focus, something that I have grappled with for a long time. This focus has greatly reduced the stress in my life. My creativity is flowing with a sense of purpose and direction that is powerful. I feel aligned with the Universe, and opportunities are coming my way. Sasha’s gift as a coach is awesome, and her ability to elicit the best in me is what I am most grateful for.”




“Working with Sasha has been an incredibly empowering experience. The 10 minute Daily Laser Coaching And Healing Program  sessions have helped me achieve clarity about my Life Purpose and how to release what has been holding me back. Working in partnership with Sasha, I am creating a plan for my future which reflects my passion and life purpose, honors my commitment to self care in body, mind and spirit, authenticates my desire to make a difference in the world with my work, and to Succeed in Sync with My Soul!TM


- Mary E. Knippel: Creativity Mentor, Writer, Speaker -


“Sasha’s energy radiates over the phone.  In only 10 minutes a day she has helped me to focus on what is important to me and has given me specific and simple skills that have allowed me to be open to my passions.  I have been able to manage my day with more ease and knowing that I am on the right path.  I look forward to our calls every morning.  Sasha jump starts my day!”


- Anne Cavazos: President, Cavazos Environmental Consulting, Inc.

“One week in to my month long coaching journey with Sasha, and I feel a fire in my belly that has not been burning in years! Our conversations seem to take on a spiral shape, allowing me to open and go deeper, again and again, creating space for me to expand to my full potential.  


Sasha’s ability to balance the feminine and masculine provides the perfect blend of intuition and warmth with strength and productivity.  My mind feels quieter, my body more relaxed and my heart more expansive.  I am choosing my actions with greater clarity, purpose and intention, and trusting myself fully in the process.  Because my actions are congruent with my heart and my values, I feel conscious, powerful and unstoppable! 


The most remarkable experience is that my clarity around my life path has me resonating at a higher frequency, and I'm finding the people in my life are stepping up their own power to meet me in this new place!   It is beautiful and energizing, and working with Sasha is exactly what I needed to re-ignite the passion and power back in to my business and my life!  I'm finding that I do not need to 'choose' happiness, I just AM happy.   I feel a true and electric happiness in every cell of my being, and it feels absolutely amazing!” 

- Beth Allen - Networker Marketing Professional and Business Development Mentor –


“I decided to do something nice for myself and work with Sasha through her Laser Program.  Best decision.  In the last 30 days I have learned and implemented tools that I will carry with me for a lifetime.  Sasha has been committed to my desire to live an extraordinary life.  If you work with Sasha, you will be working with the best.  Just go for it, you will not regret! 

As an interesting side note, I have written a record number of offers (at work) in the last 30 days.”   

- Jenny-


“The first ten minutes I spent with Sasha were extremely powerful - much more so than I expected.  The phone session gave me a sigh of relief and allowed me to move on from decisions I had made that I felt badly about and for which I had punished myself.  She gave me an understanding of why I had made those choices and the permission I needed to forgive myself, while also giving me tools to use in the future when difficult decisions need to be made.  In this one month program, Sasha continues to assist me in my personal exploration and building a self management set of tools to better attain my business and personal goals. I have come to recognize how to free myself when I might become locked behind my fear, shame, insecurity, and old negative, self limiting tapes running in the background.  Sasha is your key to understanding, inspiring, and appreciating YOU!”

- Vicki Moore: Realtor / Alain Pinel Realtors: - 

“I have been working with Sash for just over 2 weeks now and I am truly amazed at how many positive changes have occurred in such a short time frame.  I am a typical Type ‘A’ person, over scheduled, and running as fast as I can to squeeze in as many business opportunities and social activities as possible. 


With Sasha’s help I have been able to get grounded at the beginning of each day and stay focused throughout the entire day.  The grounding techniques she taught me have affected every aspect of my life.  My golf game is better, I am communicating better in my relationships and I am more focused in my work. 


The daily Laser sessions last 10 minutes and in that time I am able to express my intentions for the day and recap both the successes and the areas that still need improvement from the day before.  Sasha’s intuition and energy are fantastic and have made such an amazing impact in my life.  I am so grateful to have met her and to be working with her.”

-Robin Maes: Worldwide Marketing Executive Freelife International - 


“Hi Sasha,

 I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your coaching sessions with me.  It's amazing to think about how seemingly random our meeting was - it really could not have been more timely.  When you met me I was almost literally wringing my hands about the conflict of emotions I was experiencing over my circumstances at the time.  I can't believe it's been only a few short weeks of your 10 minutes-a-day laser training and now I feel a true inner peace, knowing that I am now creating my ideal future. 


That conflict of emotions that has been keeping me small has lifted away like a dark cloud.  I am ready to continue in our work together and look forward to my very bright future.  

Thanks very much.  You are truly appreciated Sasha.”


- Linda Bassignani: Account Executive - Stearns Lending, Inc.



I started working with Sasha in her Laser Program. At the time my life felt very scattered. I had no focus, I wasn't grounded at all, my confidence level was pretty low, and I couldn't figure out my goals, and a large part of this was that my family life felt very disharmonious. My husband and I had gotten to where we were hardly communicating at all. I felt like I was lost. In this short time, I feel like a different person! Things have defiantly changed for me. The romance and communication have returned and I now have tools to help me with this.  I feel a total sense of inner peace, I feel confident and know that I have so much to contribute.  I have direction and am very excited about creating and living my perfect life!!


Thank you so much Sasha for helping me to see my potential!”


My love and gratitude,

Karen Enarson


- Bio Marketing Manager: Orenda International -


- Independent Consultant: BioPro Technology -



Even after a 10 – 15 minutes session with Sasha, I feel light, connected and empowered to take on my life purpose.

I can only imagine the power one can feel from having these talks once a day. The work with Sasha goes on a very deep level as she calls upon many levels of knowledge and spiritual guidance. I know that whoever takes on this work with her in any shape or form it may come will benefit immensely from it.”


  - Maya Zuckerman: Entrepreneur and Positivity Gal


After working with Sasha for only a few weeks, I feel more focused and goal-oriented in my business and professional life.  Sasha has a firm but gentle way of keeping me on a goal oriented path while simultaneously reminding me to remember the big picture in my business and how it connects with the rest of my life obligations.”


- Consuelo Meux, Ph.D.

Audio clip Sasha Sabbeth

Click below to listen to Sacred Peace meditation audio clip for rapid relaxation and a soothing
visit to your
Inner Sanctuary  

Click here for more information
about Sacred Peace MP3
And to order. 



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