“There are two great days
in a person’s life…
The day we are
And the day we
discover why.”
– William Barclay
Sasha Sabbeth
Entrepreneur’s Life Purpose Soul Coach
Are you living what you love?
Are you clear about what you want?
Does your career express your SOUL?
Are you fully living your Soul Passions?
Are you ready to FULLY claim your dreams in 2009?
Welcome back!
In Part 1, I mentioned the first hidden gifts of our recession of this series: More Time.
I had written that there is a Success Trinity for today’s stresses and issues: Guiding wisdom, creative genius, and Love.
From my life experience, utilizing this Trinity will reveal our Soul Force out in our world. For today’s Entrepreneur, Soul Force and communication with our Soul is core to the success of living a healthy, successful, and meaningful life. This Success Trinity combined with a refined desired for an above average quality of life lead to a mindset for extraordinary success, despite the pressures of our recession.
I am focusing on the Entrepreneur mindset in this particular blog series. However, my following points and perspectives apply to anyone regardless of their business and income status. The result is that an individual is more in touch with their heart, conscience, and spiritual guidance with which to flow through their business and personal life experiences.
Hidden Gifts Of Our Current Recession – Continued
2. Re-evaluate One’s Priorities and Life Direction
In the face of loss and stress, we are faced with the demand to re-evaluate one’s entire life. Questions must be answered: Who stays? Who goes? What stays? What goes? The forced life review of our recession can reveal hidden treasures of opportunity that would otherwise not be recognized if our life were to continue in the fast paced, established routine. As stressful, frightening, and difficult financial challenges and loss can be, perhaps the person placed in this position has a fresh new course opening up for their life direction. And, perhaps that new direction might be far more appropriate and improved than the life they are forced to leave behind.
Question: What changes do you see would improve the direction of your life? If you are experiencing loss and financial fears, what gifts might be ready for you to embrace that are around the bend to uplift and enrich your life?
3. Self Care
With escalated financial pressure including possible loss of one’s very home and beloved pets, a person is faced with how to manage the extreme stress.
If only for sheer emotional survival, taking better care of one’s self comes into greater focus with such high stakes on life’s table. Deep breath. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Question: What do you know you “should” do to take better care of yourself? I know in my life, I really need to commit to more exercise and a food regime that better supports my system. How about you? Ask yourself, what do I need to do to better take care of myself? What is more important: short term gratification or long term achievement? I know that you feel deeply within that you ARE worth it.
May these words support you to consciously make your decision as both an Entrepreneur and a human being walking your spiritual path.
Wishes for a magnificent, passionate, Soul Purpose-Full Day!
Blessings and Love…
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