Soul Purpose Gifts Of Our Recession: Contraction Or Expansion For Today’s Entrepreneur? You Decide: – Part 1

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Your Soul TM


“There are two great days

in a person’s life…

The day we are


And the day we

discover why.”

– William Barclay

Sasha Sabbeth

Entrepreneur’s Life Purpose Soul Coach

Are you living what you love?

Are you clear about what you want?

Does your career express your SOUL?

Are you fully living your Soul Passions?

Are you ready to FULLY claim your dreams in 2009?


Wait a minute!! We have got to get a grip. Deep breath! Let’s get centered. OK! Let’s step back and claim our perspective, our power, our choices. The current financial pressures, loss of employment, loss of homes, and, therefore, loss of pets for some people, have forced the hand of deep Self reflection. To maneuver through these life altering transitions imposed by our current economic recession, there are hidden gifts and opportunities available when viewed through the filters of appropriate interpretations.

There is a particular portal of opportunity being presented for Entrepreneurs and those aspiring to own a business at this time. The challenge to create and sustain a viable, successful business requires a fast track access to our guiding inner wisdom, creative genius, and expanded sense of Love. Yes, Love. No, this is not a California fruit and nuts perspective. Think about it. Compassion, patience, humility, and unconditional love will change the quality of your life on a day to day basis. Do you want that?

There is a Success Trinity: Guiding wisdom, creative genius, and Love. From my life experience, utilizing this Trinity will reveal our Soul Force out in our world. For today’s Entrepreneur, Soul Force and communication with our Soul are core to the success of living a healthy, successful, and meaningful life. This Success Trinity combined with a refined desired for an above average quality of life lead to a mindset for extraordinary success, despite the pressures of our Recession.

Bottom line, I see our economic scenario and the many inflamed life issues clamoring in our society as a portal that can lead us to a life altering prize. That prize is easier access to the freedom, joy, and success from living our Soul Purpose in business and at home.

In this 4 part blog series, I will be focusing on the Entrepreneur mindset. However, my following points and perspectives apply to anyone regardless of their business and income status. I will share my perception of very real hidden gifts delivered to us via what we are calling a Recession. Strategically using these gifts can facilitate a more immediate and intimate conscious connection to this great internal power of one’s Soul Force. Soul Force has a cleared path of expression when a person understands their Soul Purpose, chooses to commit to that Purpose, and designs one’s life to include their Soul Passions. This does not mean that challenges, obstacles, or struggles will exist. This is a world of duality. There will always be our Shadow and our Light sides of life. However, our response to these challenges will be quite different when facing them with the knowledge of our Purpose, Passions, and freed Soul Force.

Here is the first gift that our Recession offers to us. The remaining gifts will be spread throughout the series. As you read these gifts, I suggest that you write down any images, internal dialogue, feelings that arise that might block you from using these opportunities in your life. I am here to assist you in any way possible so that you can allow yourself to rise up and expand to your greatness in the midst of the stress. Recession or Expansion? You decide.

1. More Time

If without work due to the economy, the gift here is that people are finding themselves with more time than before the impact of theRecession upon their lives. If time is not being used for work commitments and obligations, there is significant time available to do whatever the person is motivated to do. Prior to the fall out of the Recession, time was simply not available to the same extent. What are ways that you can best use your time if your job status has been altered? What time management changes would empower you in your life design? Regardless of whether or not you have lost your job, time is calling out to us to re-think, re-decide, re-direct, and return to what our intuition directs us to do.

Part 2 will be here for you soon.  Please subscribe to receive new blog posts.

Much Love,


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