At Last!
A 4 Step System To Create Your First -
Or Next - 6-Figures
In Record Time, So You
Can Enjoy
The Freedom You Desire And The Income You Deserve,
All While Changing MORE Lives With Your Heart
Ready to sign on high-end clients in 60
days or less?
simple action plan lays out exactly what to do, day-by-day, so you can take
action with confidence… even if you're not a coach, are new in business or
don't have a big list!
Sasha Sabbeth
Entrepreneur Intuition And Purpose Soul Coach
Dear Phenomenal Woman Entrepreneur,
Does any of this sound familiar?
- You started your business to make money doing what you
love, but you’re working WAY too hard for waaay too little.
You’re READY to make more money in less time but wonder how that can
happen when you’re already working your fanny off!
- You’re secretly tired of “giving it all away” for low
fees. You’re READY to attract better clients, but you also
love your current clientele and worry that you’ll offend them (or lose
them!) if you charge more.
- You’ve spent countless hours getting your “marketing stuff”
together, like your website, opt-in, freebie, ezine, social
media presence, business cards, logo, brochure… you spend TONS of time
in front of your computer… and you’re STILL not making the money you
want. You’re READY for all that work to finally pay off
And most of all...
You're DONE with working so hard for
frustratingly low income!
You're READY to receive extraordinary income for your
transformation. Am I right, or am I
right? :D
I know how you feel because that was me right before I was about to
make my first real income breakthrough! I’d been struggling
for what felt like so long and I was soooo ready to make it happen.
I’d just started to get some traction in my business… but I was working way
too hard, and giving soooo much of myself away. I'd get a few clients and make
a little money, but I'd turn around again and it would be GONE. I figured I
just had to work harder to get things to change.
I'll be really transparent and vulnerable here. Deep down, I questioned
if my services were "worth it" - if I was worth it. I felt soooo
frustrated, watching others get the awesome clients, launch the lucrative
I remember thinking, "If only I could make $10,000 per month, my
life would be amazing!" But it felt tantalizingly, achingly out of
reach for ME.
The breakthrough finally came at a training with one of my mentors. In front
of the entire room, she challenged me to own my worth: to stop
playing small with my fees, stop making it okay for everyone else and get REAL
about the true value of my services.
Then she challenged me to ditch what I’d been doing and instead implement
the one key strategy that would change…
Before I share what it is, first let's look at...
The REAL reason why you’re NOT
the kind of money you really want… yet
It’s not your fault! The way you’ve been taught to offer
your services makes it nearly impossible to make (then exceed)
Charging by the hour ($150 for one session, or a few hundred dollars for X
number of sessions per month) is so common that it’s rarely even questioned.
But when it comes to making 6-figures or more, the numbers just don’t add
Even if you’re charging, say, $400 per month for 3 sessions (considered
“good money” by most coaches, practitioners and healers), you’d still have to
attract and enroll over 40 clients and convince them to stick around for an
entire 6 months each to cross the 6-figure mark – ouch!!
Then there are the “gurus” out there promising that you can “get leverage”
and “make money while you sleep” with ebooks, teleseminars and information
products. While these offers DO have a place in your business model, they take
a TON of time, energy, attention and money to get started, plus you have to
sell a boatload of them to make a real profit. Not a great strategy when you
need money NOW.
what’s the secret to creating 6-figures - FAST –
while being of service in the highest way to all of the people
you care about?
The secret is to ditch the “dollars for hours” and low-end
offers and learn a system to channel your deep work into lucrative,
deeply transformational high-end programs that
I have to admit, when my mentor challenged me to offer programs at
3x what I was charging, I was more than a little skeptical. After all,
I was a brand new coach – it’s like, who does that, anyway? But I
could see the possibility… (plus, I’d given her my word!)
Within just a few weeks of replacing my “regular” coaching packages
with “Platinum-Style” high-end private programs and 1-days, I made
$40,000. (From just 6 clients – three of which hired me for ONE DAY
In just 6 months, I brought in $94,000, which put me well
over 6-figures for the year. The next year was my first multi-six-figure
I want to make it really clear that I’m not sharing any of
this to impress you, but to impress UPON you what’s possible for
Creating and offering high-end
programs was THE one strategy that allowed me to go from frustrating 5-figures
to multiple-six-figures in record time.
It also gave me the financial leverage to create programs at
many more price points, so I could help thousands of people.
Inspired by my own transformation, I became passionately
committed to bringing these kinds of results to other women
I took my
business revenue to over $10,000 a month and
it’s consistently stayed over $10,000 every
month. I’ve upped that and am now working to
bring in over $20,000 each
and her Soul Purpose coaching is the best decision I have ever
made in my life. From a business / income standpoint, in just a
matter of weeks working with Sasha, I took my business revenue
to over $10,000 a month and it’s consistently stayed over
$10,000 every month. I’ve upped that and am now working to
bring in over $20,000 each month.
better, because I’m clear on my soul purpose, I am attracting
the most wonderful clients—people who share my business vision
and know on a much deeper level that my company is the right
fit to help them succeed.
the increase in income and having a thriving business, I’m
learning how to listen to my
Through Sasha’s coaching and
energy techniques, I’ve strengthened my intuition and am
learning daily how to distinguish what is fear and what is
truth. I apply my newfound wisdom in my personal life and in my
professional life. The result is that I am more balanced, very
happy, and at peace. I’ve stepped into my own power, I own it,
and I’m now wildly successful beyond my
If you
have the opportunity to work with Sasha, if you want to work
with her but are on the fence, I say do whatever it takes to be
able to work with her. "
Michelle Salater – PR and Copywriting
Services -
“Within one month
I booked 6 '1-Day' clients and
brought in 5 figures with
elegance and
Elizabeth embodies her Spirit
and exudes Success in a powerfully feminine
way- just being in her presence will elevate
you to a whole new level of juicy
Within one month I booked 6
"1-Day" clients and
brought in 5 figures with elegance and
Alignment creates attraction and ‘charging
according to the value I offer’ has created a
flowing stream of clients who are now working
with me at this high level.
The ease of attracting women who are
ecstatic to work with me is unlocking the
highest essence of magic and miracles in my
life, and the lives of my clients!
Thank you Elizabeth! ~ Shakaya
"I have added
$19,971.22 in new revenue to my business
because of the new Platinum
I just wanted to say thank you to
Elizabeth and the team.
I was just listening to
another coach’s webinar and I started wondering
how much I’ve made since Shar and I had our
strategy session on April 16th – almost exactly
60 days ago.
I’m overjoyed to share that I
have added $19,971.22 in new revenue to my
business because of the new Platinum model and
the encouragement Shar gave me to give my all
to every workshop that I conduct.
I’m hosting my 2-1/2 day
Problem Elimination Weekend over the
next 3 days and I expect that by the 16th
I’ll be well over $20K when I offer my
Platinum Group and One-on-One
That kinda rocks!
Thank you again!
~ Vanessa Long
"5 more Platinum Clients and
2 '1-Day' Clients -
in less than 90 days
Elizabeth helped me
work out a strategy to value my time and
quickly shift my business in a way that
served both me AND my longtime clients.
Within just a couple of weeks of our
retreat, I'd switched to an
all-Platinum model, "upgraded" the
appropriate clients, released the clients
who were ready to complete and freed up
ENTIRE DAYS in my schedule. (This
had been totally unheard of!)
Now, I can implement all
the marketing I just didn't have the time
for before. Plus, I've just hired
my first assistant. Best of all, in less
than 90 days, I have enrolled 5 more
Platinum clients and 2 "1-Day" clients - at
fees no less than 3 times what I was making
Elizabeth is brilliant at
uncovering overlooked opportunities and
designing enrollment strategies that work.
Her direction is always "right on the
money," and her generosity, extensive
marketing expertise and heartfelt
commitment to her clients' outcomes put her
in a class by herself."
~ Barb Wade
"Four Platinum clients in the first 2
weeks - I quadrupled my income
Elizabeth, I just had to share
what has shifted for me since joining
your 6-Figure Goddess Platinum
Intensive program!
Even though I've been doing my work 11
years, I was not claiming my expertise.
My rates were still too low, and my
business was adversely affected by the
Signing up for your Platinum program
was a HUGE leap of faith; I really did
not see how I could create a signature
program of my own.
But in the first 10 days since
starting the program, I put together my
first signature system and 90-day
program, incorporating what we
learned on the calls and from the
handouts. I emailed the
materials to 3 clients. I just
have to share what happened in the
enrollment conversations. They were
very short!
I started by asking if they'd read
through the material, and before I
could ask if they had any questions,
they all said 'Yes, we are
ready to start,'
and pulled out their credit
Woo Hooo! In just a few days, I tripled
my income for May, and made more than
enough to pay back my investment in the
Then a few days later, I presented my
program to another client. The
conversation was more challenging
because she had lots of hesitation
about money and her own confidence, but
thanks to your script, I was
able to confidently hold her in her
power, and... she signed up - paying in
full, by check. And she felt
SO good about it.
That's FOUR clients in the
first two weeks, quadrupling my income
for this month. I am so
grateful to be claiming my expertise
and supporting my clients in a powerful
way. Thank you, Elizabeth!
~ Melody
Now I know these numbers that my clients and I are sharing are
incredible - maybe they even seem a little unreal. And you may be saying,
"That's great, Elizabeth, BUT... I really don't see how it's
possible for ME."
I feel you! I was skeptical too, at first. (Mostly I was just doubting
myself - could I really pull it off?)
Now, I've seen firsthand what can happen when you add Platinum programs to
your business. I know what's possible for you! And I DON'T want you to have to
wait any longer to create the 6-figure income and lifestyle you deserve because
of a few misconceptions that are easily answered.
It's not your fault if these are holding you back, and no worries - we'll
clear 'em up right here. So let me address some of your concerns, okay?
"My clients won't
pay higher fees." Yes, they will. I've done it, and
my clients have done it, over and over again. It's just
that no one ever gave you the right SYSTEM that shows you
how to tap into a secret, hidden desire your best clients
have to actually pay you more. (You probably didn't know
that statistically speaking, up to 20% of your clients will
ONLY pay for a premium level of service. This means you're
actually missing the boat on serving these clients if you
DON'T have a high-end option.)
"I'm newer in my
business." This is awesome! That means you get to
completely SKIP all the struggle and heartache when it
comes to fees, packaging your services and actually making
real money. Seriously - I invite you to get excited,
because the rules of Platinum apply no matter what stage of
business you're in. You just get to do it right from the
"I don't want to
leave people behind." I completely understand and of
course you would never give up on the people you care
about. Here's what I know from experience: many of them
(more than you think!) will come with you as you step into
this new way of working because it helps them create such
fantastic results. Those who choose to complete can move
into your lower cost options (which you'll finally get to
create once you have more time, freedom and space in your
"I don't teach
clients how to make money." You don't have to teach
clients how to make money, you just need to help them with
a specific problem or challenge they want solved. I've
mentored holistic nutritionists, life purpose coaches,
fertility experts, massage therapists, energy healers,
shamanic healers, and spiritual life coaches – all have
made big money with high-end programs.
"I like working with
clients one-on-one!" Me too! I would never give up
one-on-one work, and I wouldn't ask you to, either. But I'd
bet that currently, much of your time goes to clients who
are...let's say...less than satisfying for you. Imagine
working exclusively with highly motivated dream clients who
show up powerfully and get amazing results. That's the true
beauty of this system - you get to work with clients like
THAT. All the time.
"I haven't cleaned
up my own challenges yet." Brace yourself....
neither have I. :) Here's what matters... your clients
don't want you to be perfect - they just want you to be a
few steps ahead. The old "I'm not perfect, so how can I
help anybody?" thing is just another sneaky move the ego
plays to trick you into holding back your gifts. Please
don't fall for it. There's someone out there who needs you,
right now, as you are. The journey is never done!
"I'm not
ready!" Goddess, I'm flat-out calling BOO on that
one because we know it's just not true! :) Truth is, if
you're ready to charge for your services, you're ready to
position and package your one-on-one services as a high-end
You and I both know that there's no "perfect time" to accelerate your
growth, and that you're more than ready right NOW to make a heck of a
lot more money, in less time, and with more FREEDOM in your life. So let me ask
If you could get just 3 clients for $5,000+
each in the next 30 days… and
then you knew how to do it again, whenever you want…
how would that change the game for you?
Take a minute now and really think about it. Would you…
- Move to a new city or a new home – or both!
- Hire an amazing team to take the busywork off your plate
- Take regular yoga or dance classes
- Hire a trainer
- Invest in high-end mentoring, trainings, seminars!
- Pay down debt
- Fill your home and office with pretty things that make you feel
- Travel across the country and stay in 5-star locations
- Take high end vacations, visit with friends and family you love…
- Buy organic food
- Get massages, invest in extreme self-care
- Hire a stylist and shop for a whole new wardrobe
- Buy a new car!
- Give to your favorite charities and the people you love
- Relish the security of a full bank account
- Take time off for creative projects that nourish you, stir your soul
and have nothing to do with your business…
Maybe your desire is… “All of the above, and more!”
Thanks to high-end programs, I’ve manifested everything on that
list above… and more :)
Now it’s YOUR turn!
Here’s WHY creating & selling high-end
or “Platinum Style” programs is
THE fastest and easiest way to serve people well, and use your deep
transformation to bring in BIG money FAST.
- High end programs create generous revenue in your
business. Instead of a few hundred dollars, your programs start at
$3000, $5000 or $6000 and UP. Once you gain confidence and experience, your
fees will go up – fees of $10,000 - $25,000 for a year are entirely
possible. Enroll several clients at once and you’re looking at a
five-figure to 6-figure payday.
- High end programs free up your time. Yes, you’re still
working 1-on-1 but you’re often spending less time with clients and making
more. And because high-end clients sign on for longer commitments, you
actually spend less time marketing to find them.
- High end programs free up your ENERGY because you’re
attracting a different kind of client and working with them at a
much higher level. High-end clients are a joy to work with – and
needy, demanding clients are rare.
- High-end programs transform the RESULTS your clients
get. Because you’re working at a high level, not only do you
attract different clients…. these clients get results. They also value YOU,
appreciate you and respect you… and they become committed, fast action
taker clients that you dream of having. This ultimately transforms your
reputation and your business like nothing else, because they give you
success stories and referrals.
- High-end programs also create LEVERAGE. Getting a few
committed clients at higher fees creates a boost of cash and frees up your
time. You can breathe a sigh of relief because you’re not stretched to the
bone! You can then use these precious resources of time, energy, and money
as LEVERAGE to get to the next level – and offer all those group programs
and information products to get your work into the hands of more
- Create big paydays with NO marketing budget! All
you’ll need are the simple tools I’ll show you. You can get your first – or
next – high-end client with a single conversation.
- You only need a list of ONE to get started. Instead of
lengthy, risky and technically complicated launches, you can add clients to
your business at ANY time. (And no, you don’t need to have them on your
list, feeding them tons of free content before they’ll be ready to invest
with you.)
- You can offer high-end programs no matter where you are in your
business – even if you’re new! When you know a proven way to
package your services to create massive value, you don’t have to be the
“best” out there or have years of experience. All you have to “do” is
be willing to own your worth – no more discounting your talent,
training, and gifts. (Now isn’t that a relief?)
- High-end programs transform your LIFESTYLE and how you FEEL
about yourself. They invite you to step into a new way of BEING
that truly pulls you forward!
As you can imagine, you DO need to know how to package your services
to warrant higher fees.
You also need to know what to include (and NOT to include) in your
Also – of course you need to know where to find the right clients
who will gladly invest in themselves at this level… how to get them raising
their hands to talk to you about your program… and how to conduct your
enrollment process so they’re pre-sold on working with you at your
higher fees.
Which is why in the Platinum Program Secrets Homestudy
I share EVERYTHING I know to create, market and FILL
high-end programs with YOU…
I'm Including My Signature "Done For You"
Templates, Blueprints, Scripts, and Checklists, PLUS All-New
Materials From My Latest Successful Launches...
PLUS What's Working NOW to Create, Market and
Sell Out Of Your High-End Programs!
Here's Just A Sampling Of What You'll Learn
IN DETAIL In This Life-Changing Homestudy Program...
Module #1: How To Channel Your Deep
Transformation Into A Compelling Core
Offer that High-End Clients Will
Happily Invest In
Module #2:
How To Design A Rich And Juicy
High-End Program
Your Clients
Will LOVE (And Want To Sign Up
Most coaches, healers and
practitioners sabotage themselves when
designing their programs and end up
right back where they started -
overworked, underpaid, and
In this module, I'll show you
HOW to design programs that
sell AND truly leverage your
time so you get the time and
income freedom you long for. You'll
How to
avoid THE #1 BIGGEST
inexperienced entrepreneurs
make with program design
that can sabotage
their clients'
success (this one is
huge, and nobody else is
talking about
6 “Done
For You” Platinum
blueprints that take
all of the guesswork out of
designing your
program (I've
successfully filled ALL of
them over the past 3 years,
so you can feel confident
that they
How to
minimize the amount of time
spent with clients
while maximizing their
The one
thing you MUST include with
your program so that you
indispensable to your
clients, they
happily pay more, and get
even better
How to
make your Platinum program
stand out from what
everyone else is
How to
"giving away the farm" in
your lower level
programs so that you
increase the value of your
new premium
of 6-month,
12-month, 90-day, 1-day
intensives and a 10-month
group mastermind,
straight from my own
business, so that you can
see exactly how successful
programs are structured and
model them
Module #3:
How To Price Your Program With Integrity
Accept Payment
With Credibility
Module #4:
Launch! How To Fill Your
Program With
(Marketing & Enrollment
Module #5: How To
Deliver A
High-End Program Your
Will Never Forget...
In Just A Few Hours Per
Get High
End Clients Now:
Your 60 Day Action Plan
This is your
blueprint for success! In this
detailed guide and audio, you’ll get
exact the exact day-by-day steps to get
your first – or next! – high end
My clients LOVE the
60-Day Action Plan because I
literally lay out for you, day-by-day,
exactly what to do to get new clients
in 60 days, including exactly
how to use the Platinum Program Secrets
training and
Now you can take
aligned action without
overwhelm! Simplyfollow
this structured plan to enroll at least
3 clients in your high-end
program in 60 days or
BONUS! You also
Guide to quickly
get back on track if
clients aren’t signing
"I am an
acupuncturist, herbalist, and
cleansing guide who had been
working in private practice
for nearly 17 years before I
made the leap into
Elizabeth’s amazing
Platinum Program
I was trapped in a
business model that served people only
locally, and one-on-one. I had hit my
income ceiling long ago, which wasn’t
enough for me anymore. Plus, I had
developed cutting edge strategies for
healing with natural medicine, and I
felt that what I had to offer was
unique, powerful, and something that
many people are in need of – I wanted
to bring my healing strategies to the
I was scared,
but I decided to commit in a big
way to learning how to create
Platinum-level Group Programs.
Elizabeth’s program took me
step by step through each phase of
program development and
launch, faithfully I did the
work, and before I knew it, my
first program was
This past spring I
launched my first online group program,
called Radical Radiance: Cleanse the
Body & Create Vibrant Health in 90
days. It was nearly a 5-figure
launch, which led to my highest income
month ever. I am now serving
more people in less time, and training
others to take over some clinical work
and management that do not support my
personal and business’ flourishing. I
am experiencing the high joy of
watching participants’ energy and
health elevate to a new level as they
successfully eliminate weight, toxic
waste, and blockages.
There is
nothing like the feeling of doing the
work you’re meant to be doing in the
world, getting it out there, being in
your zone of genius, and getting paid
handsomely for it.
Platinum Program Secrets has
given me the know-how and confidence to
change the course of my business, and
now so much more is
Hillary Thing
"Within 15 days I
secured my first Platinum client
Thanks to what I
learned in Platinum Program Secrets, I
first developed a new Millionaire and
Goddess-like identity and mindset. Then,
I created a 90-day High-End Program
called "The High-End Consultant Secrets",
and secured my first Platinum Client within
15 days, for $4,300. I very
quickly started to attract more high-end
clients, like coaches or trainers of
coaches, mentors and entrepreneurs,
which resulted in $30,000 coaching
revenues for an 8 week group VIP Law of
Attraction coaching program, 4 private and
group "1-days" in a month, and more time
for less work! Now, I'm
envisioning offering a 6-month Premium
Program, as an 'upsell' for my
1-Day High-End
I still read my notes
from the Platinum Program Secrets when I
want to improve my mindset and aim higher!
And I love having plenty of extra time to
'play' with my kids!
~ Marcelle della Faille
"Elizabeth's event
was a
pivotal turning point in my
Elizabeth’s event on how to create, market
and fill high-end programs was a pivotal
turning point in my business. Not only did
I meet incredible women who I continue to
connect with and share and receive support
with, I had significant transformations in
my business.
After the event,
I booked $10,000 in sales by
implementing just one of the ideas I
learned at the event. I am also
easily attracting more and more of my ideal
clients to my community now that I am able
I stand firmly in the value of what I
provide. And, I’ve grown my lists
by hundreds in just two short months since
the event.
Thank you, Elizabeth!
~ Tami Gulland, The Success
"$5,000 in my
Before participating
in Platinum Program Secrets, I struggled to
sell my coaching services and my programs
to high-end clients.
Thanks to what I learned,
I had my first $5,000 week!
My future is bright! I am
grateful for this newfound and deeply felt
knowing that I have the power to multiply
my income fast and easily!
~ Olivia Reyes
You'll Also Get These Platinum Success Boosters...
Templates, Marketing Materials &
Done-For-You Goodies GALORE
The proven program blueprints and
sample copy ALONE will shave hours off your
implementation time. (And they're all
from my own business, so you can be
confident that they work. ;) )
Here are just
SOME of the done-for-you
goodies I'm
Done-For-You "Get Started
Kit" with all the templates,
checklists, forms and scripts you
need to hit the ground running with
offering your first high end
Done-For-You "Online Launch
Kit" everything you need to
launch via email, including a
day by day email launch calendar,
landing pages, sample emails,
sample subject lines, what to
include in your marketing emails to
generate interest, and
Done-For-You "Platinum Delivery
Kit" forms, checklists,
emails to deliver an awesome client
experience, including my simple
system for exactly what should
happen after a client signs
Loads of other done-for-you goodies
in store to make executing
and implementing your own lucrative
Platinum Program a true
"no-brainer" - templates for your
fees, interview questions, simple
tools to screen candidates, "what
to say when" scripts and
Given that
your time is priceless, it's
truly hard to put a price on
the VALUE of the hours you'll
save (and the extra sales
you'll make) with these
done-for-you materials.
Platinum Success
Audio Collection
An exclusive collection of
Elizabeth’s best “clients only” audio trainings
– handpicked to help you make your programs
even more irresistible and boost your
enrollment results! (These trainings not
available outside of Elizabeth’s
programs.) TOTAL VALUE:
How To Create A
"Goddess State Of Mind" To
Attract Clients At Higher
Fees – A “Goddess
State Of Mind” is the
to-the-core-of-you belief that
you are worth it, your services
are worth it, and that your
clients will gladly pay for
it. In this special audio
training, you’ll discover how
to upgrade your thinking and
actions in 5 key areas. VALUE:
To Create A Signature System
That Does The Selling For
You – A “signature
system” is the work you’re
ALREADY doing with clients,
packaged into a highly
marketable system they’ll WANT
to buy. In this BONUS
training, I'll show you exactly
how to craft your Signature
system, and also share info on
how to turn your system into
multiple steams of income,
including teleseminars, 1-days,
virtual workshops and more.
VALUE: $297
To Make $1000 - $10,000 In One
Day With 1-Day Intensives and
Virtual Workshops
– 1-Day Intensives (or
“1-Days”) are one of the
simplest and FUN ways to create
income quickly. Best of
all, 1-days create a ton of
value and clients LOVE
them! Plus, most high-end
offers you create will include
SOME kind of intensive time
with you, making your 1-days a
perfect "lead in" to your
high-end programs. In
this training you'll learn
everything you need to
add 1-day intensives to
your business fast. VALUE:
Selling For High-End
Programs – Selling
changes lives! Elizabeth
reveals all of her secrets on
authentic selling
conversations. You'll learn how
to give high-value Breakthrough
Sessions that enroll 100% of
the right clients into your
high-end programs, how to give
great content in your sales
conversations without “giving
away the farm,” how to
gracefully answer objections
(plus how to set it up so
objections never come up in the
first place), what to say in
the conversation so they sign
up on the spot (without being
pushy or sales-y), plus what
you MUST know in order to
successfully sell programs at
high fees. VALUE:
Troubleshooting Guide: What To Do if Clients
Aren't Signing Up (NEW!)
There’s nothing worse than
pouring your heart and soul into a program…
only to have nobody sign up!
A lack of signups can be
frustrating, even downright scary if you’re
counting on the income. (I’ve been
The great news is, most
reasons behind a lack of signups are very
common and simple to fix. In this bonus
audio training, I’ll lay out a step by
step plan to “troubleshoot” your Platinum
offer, so you can identify the issue
and get back on track quickly.
PLUS you’ll get a
checklist of simple solutions for the
most common reasons why clients aren’t signing
Six Months
of Ongoing Implementation Support In
Elizabeth's Feminine Wealth
Coaching Circle
No more going it
For a full 6 months, you’ll
be surrounded and supported by a circle of
conscious women (and yes, some cool guys too!)
who are all committed to making phenomenal
money with their gifts, plus get ongoing access
to coaching from Elizabeth and her team.
Benefits include:
Ongoing monthly
LIVE group calls with
Monthly “office
hours” with key
members of Elizabeth’s
training in marketing,
manifestation and
opportunities for
Private Facebook
community (already
170+ members and
with your colleagues
Whatever else Team
Goddess can dream up
along the way ;)
Elizabeth created the
Feminine Wealth Coaching Circle as a way
to gather conscious entrepreneurs who are
aligned with the movement of Goddess
Business School® - that it’s time for
spirit-led, mission-driven women to be
We also want you to
take action on what you learn
and see results… which is
why we’ve included ongoing implementation
support in the form of calls with
Elizabeth and opportunities to pair with
members of the group for
And! Because you
said you wanted it (we asked, you
answered)… we’re dreaming up some
cool promotional opportunities
for our members, too.
Membership will ONLY be
available to current and past students of
Platinum Program Secrets. When you claim
your seat in this training, you’ll get 6 months
for FREE as Elizabeth’s gift to you. (Value:
PLUS!! My Signature
"Awesome Bonuses"...
For Each Module
I know that you may like to read instead of
listen (or in addition to listening in), PLUS,
if you're anything like me, you love taking
lots of NOTES, too.
That's why I'm including transcripts of each
audio recording for you. Read them
online, or download them and print them out to
capture bonus ideas and "aha!"s that are
sparked for you. |
BONUS #3 Beautiful
Binder Of The Entire
Platinum Program
Secrets Course,
Delivered to Your Door
All of
the materials are instantly available for you
on our easy to use resource page. In addition
to this, I'm also going to send you a
beautiful binder filled with copies of
everything inside the Platinum Program Secrets
training program: lessons, check lists,
worksheets, blueprints, templates and
more, plus hard copies of the
exact letter and application I used to fill my
two most recent high-end programs.
You'll love how you'll be able to refer to
everything in the course again and again,
making this binder a valuable addition to your
success library.
PLUS, when you choose to
pay in FULL, I have a special BONUS for you...
Your Pay-In-Full
"How To Create, Market and Fill
Group Programs Online"
Leading my first
Platinum Group
In late 2011 I completely
filled a Platinum GROUP program
with 12 amazing, ideal clients
using online and virtual methods
ONLY. Investment per person:
$9,000. (That's over six
figures from just one
group program.) Would
you like to know how I did it?
In this special bonus recording training,
I'm going to break it down for you, step by
A big misconception out there is that you
can ONLY fill a high-end group program by
hosting an in-person LIVE event. This
belief cost me a lot of stress and holding
myself back... until I set out to prove the
"conventional wisdom" wrong.
In this special audio,
I reveal the high-level strategy I
used to sell out of my program online PLUS
hand you my entire launch campaign,
including all the emails I sent, the opt-in
page I used, and the exact script of the
preview call I gave to build excitement and
attract the perfect clients to the program
and more.
Imagine tapping into the leverage
of group coaching or mentoring,
high end style.
Imagine creating 6-figures with just ONE
program. I can't wait to show you how
you can duplicate my success in this audio
training and "peek-over-my-shoulder"
marketing kit. It's yours when you
choose the full pay option when you sign up
for Platinum Program Secrets.
You can
see that I'm making it easy for you to succeed. And by now, clearly the
idea of offering high end programs of your own is speaking to you, since
you've read this far.
So it's time to ask yourself "The Million
Dollar Question"...
If you could add a simple, predictable,
repeatable 5-figure to 6-figure income stream to your business, in record
time... how much would that be worth to you?
As you can see, I’ve included everything
you need to create, market and fill high-end programs at fees of $3,000, $5,000
and even $10,000 and up. When you take action on the day-by-day
plan I’ll give you, you can have new high-end clients in 60 days or less.
That's thousands of dollars in income just waiting for
And I’m serious about helping you get
results. I don’t want this to be just another program that sits on your
hard drive because when you add even just a few Platinum clients, the money
adds up very quickly – my clients have had paydays of $10,000… $20,000 and even
high five figures.
And if that sounds a little out there for you
right now, you can begin with just one VIP Day client for $1000. OR a 90
day program for $1500 or $3000.
Now, there’s no question that the money is
amazing. But truthfully? In the hands of conscious women,
these programs aren’t about the money. They’re about transformation,
for your clients and for you. High-end programs are about holding your
clients AND yourself to a higher level of greatness. You get to do your
best work with clients who truly value it.
When you own your worth, your confidence
grows. Your personal power grows. And your life will change in
amazing ways you can't even predict right now. Above and beyond the
money. The money is simply a means.
That's why I'm so passionate about this
strategy. That's what I see for you and wish for you. Which is why your
investment in the entire program is just $2997
$1997 when you register before our special enrollment period
closes on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2013.
This investment indicates a serious commitment but is totally doable and only
requires 2 or 3 clients at most to make your investment back. (If money is
tight right now, use the payment plan to spread it out over a few months.)
And when you consider that every client after that is nearly pure profit, you
can easily see that investing in this training program could easily be one of
the best investments you'll ever make in your business and yourself.
This Special Investment Is Available For 9 DAYS ONLY
October 17th - October 25nd, 2013
Here's what I truly believe. This is not a game we're talking about - this is
your LIFE,this is your MISSION, this is your LEGACY.
Nothing happens without a decision. So I want to do everything I can to support
you in taking fast, decisive action to change your business and your life.
That's always - always - my "come from" for these fast action deadlines, and
that's why this special investment will disappear on OCTOBER 25, 2013
at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time.
To put your mind totally at ease, I'm giving you...
My Personal
"Make You MORE Than Happy" Guarantee
I’ve poured my heart and soul into
Platinum Program Secrets and fully stand by
everything I teach. After mentoring
hundreds of entrepreneurs in this system, I know
if you follow the 60-Day Action Plan and do the
work as directed, you’ll get
So here’s my guarantee…
I invite you to say YES to
yourself and to the program. Follow the
60-Day Action Plan and if at the end of 60 days,
you don’t feel I’ve delivered on this promise,
simply send us your completed 60-day Action Plan
checklist and all of the materials you used to
market your program (program letter and
application, emails sent, etc) and we’ll happily
refund 100% your money.
We require the completed 60-Day Action Plan and
your program marketing materials before we’ll
refund your money. Why? Because we
know that if you do the work as directed, you’ll
get results. It’s that simple. If you
do all the work and don’t get value, then we’ll
cheerfully refund you.
That’s how much I stand by this
program, and how much I believe in YOU to create
success with this system. And that’s how
much I want you to say YES and join
Because if you’re a spirit-led,
mission-driven woman entrepreneur, NOW is your
time and THIS is your moment. We’re all
being called to something greater than
ourselves. And we’re all being asked to let
go of old patterns of doubt and fear and
wondering if we’re good enough and wondering if
we can really do it.
I believe in you. And that’s
why I’m taking all the risk so you can feel
totally confident in saying YES to yourself and
the people you’re meant to serve.
You're fully
protected by my guarantee - you have nothing to lose. And if
you're reading this far, I know the desire inside you to say YES to
this opportunity is very strong indeed.
Nonetheless, I understand you may still be a little skeptical, or you
might be wondering if this truly is the right program for you, or if
what I share would truly work for YOUR business. That's why I want to
Questions About "Platinum Style" Programs
And My Step-By-Step System For Adding This Proven
6-Figure Revenue Stream To Your
Business"What if I'm newer in my business?"
That means you get to completely SKIP all the
struggle and heartache when it comes to fees, packaging your
services and actually making real money!
The beautiful thing about Platinum programs is that they
grow with you. When you’re newer, maybe you start off
offering a 90-day program for $1500 (totally doable, as
many of my newer-in-business-clients can attest). Isn’t
that better than going “month-to-month” for $300/month, or
a single session for $125? YES! And then when you sell a
few programs and gain confidence, your fees go UP.
"Elizabeth, my clients won't
pay for high-end services!"
Did you know that statistically, up to 20% of your
clients will ONLY pay for a premium level of service?
That first year I crossed 6-figures, nearly 40% of my income
came from a small number of Platinum clients. That's
5-figures in income, from the people I love to work with the
So if you're NOT offering a high-end program, you're not only
missing out on the opportunity to make great money, you're also
missing out on your chance to make a huge difference to someone
who otherwise may not even work with you. |
"Money is pretty tight right now.
I've invested in a lot of training already. I don't know
if I can swing this."
I get it, but let me ask you this: what other strategy
do you know of with this potential to add large amounts of cash
flow to your business, practically overnight, with little to no
Let's get real here. Offering high-end programs is the
ONLY strategy I know of that is this simple, fast, and
lucrative to implement. And remember, I've practically
done all the work for you, by literally handing you all of my
materials, straight from my own business. All you need to
do is model, and go. |
"I don't have a list or a website.
Can I make this work for me?"
YES. YES. YES. (Warning: passionate
MYTH-busting ahead!)
Contrary to what you've likely been told, offering a
high-end program is the very FIRST thing you need to be
doing... BEFORE sinking tons of time and money into your
website and building a list.
Everyone gets all whoop-de-do about "the list" but the
truth is, it takes TIME to build a list and unless you know
what you're doing, and unless you have TESTIMONIALS from
high-end clients, you're going to have a hard time making
money from it.
I cannot TELL you how many times I've seen heart-centered
solopreneurs turn themselves inside out to build a list,
only to be disappointed when nobody buys the low-end
products they sink MONTHS into creating.
Meanwhile, they're completely strapped for cash. It
breaks my heart!
I know this runs completely counter to what
you've probably heard from the "gurus," but, I care
about you so I'm going to tell you the truth.
Plus, if you think about it, it just makes sense.
All you need to get a new Platinum client is a
well-designed program and know how to enroll a
potential client, both of which I'll teach you in this
"I'm not sure if this will work for my
clients, or in my industry. I don't teach people
how to make money."
Take a look around... EVERY business has the opportunity
to offer a premium level of service. Airlines have done
it for years. There's even a PIZZA parlor offering a
Platinum program (to the tune of 7 figures per year).
And while you're looking, don't forget your own industry.
There are ALWAYS people who offer service at the low end, and
people who offer service at the high end. (Yes, even
peeps who provide spiritual or esoteric services.)
In every industry, there are those who charge a little (and
struggle to find clients who will pay), and those who charge a
LOT - and get it. Which do YOU want to be? No
matter what, it's important for you to DECIDE, not leave it to
chance or accident. And speaking of
I hope it's clear to you by now exactly how much value I've packed into
this homestudy program. I've poured my heart and soul into this
program because I know from personal experience how this SINGLE strategy can transform your income and your
lifestyle, putting more money in your bank account while making a
much bigger difference in the lives of your clients. It's simple to
implement and fast. And because I'm practically doing all of the work for you
with the materials you'll get, I know you
can do this!
So are you READY to "Go
Platinum"... and transform your talent, wisdom and GIFTS into your first -
or next! - 6-figures while creating rapid, powerful transformation for
those you're here to serve?
Register NOW Using
The Link Below...
"Yes, Elizabeth - I'm ready to
learn your system to create, launch and
fill my own deeply
transformational, highly profitable
high-end coaching and mentoring
programs so I can create my next
income leap in record time and can have
more joy and freedom in my life and
I understand that
by enrolling in the Platinum
Program Secrets
program, I'll
5 in-depth training
where you'll
be walked through every
step of this proven
This is
your blueprint for
success! In this
detailed guide and
audio, you’ll get the
exact day-by-day
steps to get your
first – or next! –
high end
Q+A call audio
you'll be
able to listen to
participant questions
answered by me
audios of all
provided for instant
listening or
transcripts of each
module - for
reading, taking notes, and
Booster: Generous
selection of templates,
checklists, scripts and
goodies to help
you implement what you
learn so you see a FAST
return on your modest
investment, including
my Done-For-You
Get Started
Online Launch
Kit and
Success Audio
an exclusive collection
of my best “clients
only” audio trainings –
handpicked to help you
make your programs even
more irresistible and
boost your enrollment
, What to Do if
Clients Aren’t Signing Up,
a step by step plan to
“troubleshoot” your
Platinum offer, so you can
identify the issue and get
back on track
Booster Feminine Wealth
6 months of
ongoing implementation
support (live calls,
office hours, exclusive
training, promotional
structures and
Free Ticket to one of
my LIVE, in person
events where you
can connect with and
learn from me and other
spirit driven
Binder of the entire
Platinum Program
When you
order, you'll receive
instant access to the
digital edition;
followed by a hardcopy
of the entire program,
delivered to your door
for easy hands on
planning and
implementation using
the program's
done-for-you materials,
checklists, worksheets,
Training and Done-For-You
To Create, Market and
Fill Group Programs
(this bonus
available for
I understand that my
investment in Platinum
Program Secrets
comes with your
personal guarantee.
** 5 Payments of
Rest easy - your order will be
processed on our secure
Still Have
We’re here to
help! If you still have questions
about any aspect of the program, just
ask. A knowledgeable member of my team
will be in touch to answer your
question or help you get
Please rest assured
that this online transaction is 100% secure and after your information is
received, you'll get an electronic receipt and instructions within just a
few minutes. (If you have ANY problems, just contact my team at
I can't wait for you to step into YOUR Platinum greatness and put this
system to work for you, so you can create the money, momentum and time
freedom you need to get your Heart Work out there in a BIG way.
blessings & massive, massive success to you!

Elizabeth Purvis, "The Marketing
Goddess" 6-Figure
Marketing Mentor and Income Breakthrough
Remember, you're investing in Platinum Program Secrets at no
risk to you thanks to my generous "Make You More Than Happy"
guarantee. Reserve your seat
completely risk-free now.
PPS: So while
we're here together, check in RIGHT NOW and make your decision.
Say YES or NO, trust that, and move forward. If it's a
YES, click on the
link to enroll today and know that you have
made a huge step toward getting your Heart Work into the world and
receiving incredible income for it!
what you've heard and take action NOW, before you leave this
page. And here's why...
When you're on the verge of something BIG, and you're feeling
that "OMG" excitement, that's when you have your TRUE answer - from
your heart and from the Source.
Otherwise, your "monkey mind" will jump in and create
confusion that will only derail your dreams and drain your
In my experience, "going away to check in" or think about it
takes you further away from your truth.
So while we're here together,
check in RIGHT NOW and make your decision. Say YES or NO,
trust that, and move forward. If it's a YES, click on the link to enroll today and know that you
have made a huge step toward getting your Heart Work into the world and
receiving incredible income for it!
easily made in 2
weeks what I used to
bust my butt to make
in a year!
I stepped into Elizabeth’s
first Platinum Program, I
was just starting to
transition out of offering
my coaching for a few
hundred dollars a month. I
understood the concept of
Platinum but had no idea
how to implement it within
my business. My confidence
was wobbly and I was unsure
immediately, I enrolled 2
"1-Day" clients for $2400
total. That felt like a
great success – and it was
only the
the end, I enrolled
4 clients into my new
6-month platinum program
and generated $24,000
within a matter of
weeks! With
Elizabeth’s brilliant
guidance, I had
easily made in 2
weeks what I used to bust
my butt to make in a
That experience
was life-changing.
It provided the foundation
of all the success I’ve
experienced in my business
since. Aside from the
fabulous income, it
confirmed for me that my
ideal clients want and will
pay for what I have to
offer and that I can
recreate similar success
over and over. Confidence
like that is
Platinum is the path that’s
calling you,Elizabeth is
hands-down the best mentor
to learn it
"Within 90
days, my launches brought
in over $40,000 combined,
including an online class
with 64 people (my
highest online enrollment
ever) and 2 high-end
In a single day
together, Elizabeth showed me
exactly how to craft and position
my offers and create a marketing
calendar that would help me
stabilize my cash
flow.Within 30 days, I'd
created over $10,000 - and that was
just the start. Within 90
days, my launches brought in over
$40,000 combined, including an
online class with 64 people (my
highest online enrollment ever) and
2 high-end facilitator
Now, I know how to use
all the content I've spent years
creating to build my tribe and
create income. My work is getting
into the hands of more people!
Elizabeth also helped me
see exactly what I could let go of
in my business so that I can keep
moving forward quickly instead of
getting stuck.
One of the best parts of
working with Elizabeth is that
everything I've learned from her
can be applied to my launches going
forward. Not only does each success
impact and help my life, it also
spills out to the lives of the
people I work with.
I finally feel like I
have the tools and training that is
making a difference. Thank you
~ Lisa Michaels,
1-Day Intensive and Goddess
Business School
five-figure month – with
As a licensed
massage practitioner with a
traditional 1-on-1 practice, I
started working with Elizabeth to
help me transition to a model that
is scalable as well as more
energetically sustainable for me.
This will enable me to reach more
people — especially visionary women
— who want to support their inner
authority by partnering with their
With Elizabeth’s
guidance and the help of her
templates, I jumped in headfirst….
I quickly created a 6-Month
Platinum Program centered
on speeding your healing process by
learning to hear the messages from
your body. The first client
I offered it to said YES, at a
high-four-figure investment. Then,
I got a yes from a second client,
which created a 5-figure month with
just two
After just one
session with each of my Platinum
clients, I am so impressed by their
commitment, self-knowledge, and
openness to the work. It’s going to
be an amazing 6-month journey with
them… and it feels like an
incredibly auspicious beginning to
shifting into this way of offering
my gifts to the world.
~ Katherine
Macomber Millman
Leverage & Leadership
"10 times
what I used to
&Before working
with Elizabeth, I was charging by
the hour, one session at a time. My
sister and I run a retail shop
where I offer my services, and it
was still a struggle to get clients
who would pay me. Closing our doors
was a monthly concern and we were
borrowing money left, right and
center just to stay
Now, the hourly
sessions are gone and I offer
programs that are designed to
ensure clients get the results
they’re looking for. I’m
running a group program for my
birth control clients that costs 10
times what I used to change for my
services, and they’re getting
phenomenal results! Plus,
I have clients stepping into my
Platinum program and I only work
privately with clients who
are an energetic match for
me. I’m bringing in double
to triple the income, but
with a lot less work and definitely
much less stress.
I now have a plan
and the skills to reach my income
goal for 2012… so our business can
thrive! I’m launching 3
programs in the new year
and anticipate that the income I
create in early 2012 will likely be
4 or 5 times what I averaged
earlier this year, before working
with Elizabeth. They are all
programs that I feel GREAT about
and that will truly support women
to get the change they are looking
~ Amy
Leverage & Leadership
high-end 2-day intensives
my first live
After my initial strategy
appointment with Elizabeth,
I designed my first VIP
program and signed my first private
coaching client – before our work
together even began! Then
I developed two other VIP programs
and successfully enrolled
two high-end 2-day group
These successes inspired the
creation of my first major
live event, The Nourished
Soul, complete with 100+
attendees, vendors and 18
presenters! If someone had
said a year ago that I would do
this, I wouldn’t have believed it.
(Talk about Life Purpose! )
I am grateful to my
mentors, especially Elizabeth for
her confidence in me, and for her
many teachings that enabled me to
step out of my comfort zone, and
into the work I was meant to do.
And, I thank Spirit for the
strength and insights to carry
through on my dream.
~ Bonnie
Midlife/Aging Well Expert and
Charter Natural Rhythms Coach and
"Within 60
days of hiring Elizabeth,
I enrolled my first $16,000
Within 90 days, I'd had my
Before working with
Elizabeth, I was working in the
1-on-1 coaching model of 3 sessions
for a few hundred dollars, month to
month. I knew I wanted to switch to
offering high-end Platinum programs
but whenever I would try to put
them together or create a launch
plan, I would get caught in
"analysis paralysis" and yes, a
little bit of fear! Plus, I didn't
want to freak out at the prospect
of losing my current
When a good
friend told me that Elizabeth
specializes in launching and
filling high-end programs, I knew I
had to connect with her to see if
she could help. Within 60
days of hiring Elizabeth, I created
a new signature system, created my
first Platinum program and enrolled
my first $16,000 client -
my highest fee ever. Within 90
days, I'd had
my first
$20,000 month.
While the numbers
are great, the best part of working
in this new way is my increased
confidence in what I bring to the
table in my market. People in my
network have always told me that I
am a leader, but I struggled to
acknowledge that in myself. Now,
I'm finally standing up in a big
way and claiming my
Elizabeth is a
powerful thinking partner, a
cheerleader, a brilliant business
strategist and a kick-butt coach.
She'll challenge you to bring your
best self forward and give you the
proven tools to do it.;
~ Kristin
6-Figure Goddess Private
"$8,579 in
less than 24 hours"
;I am celebrating a VIP
Using my signature
system, 'Marketing for Healers- Way
of the Hive' and my new
product....I gave my first LIVE 3
hour workshop: Exploring Money,
Marketing & Meaning through
SoulCollage® at the SoulCollage®
facilitator's conference...and it
was so much fun!
Held in arms of Spirit during my
power point presentation a woman
asked ‘Why can't I charge what I'm
worth?' I asked if she was ready
for a breakthrough and wanted to be
coached; she said YES which lead to
a healing/soul retrieval to clear
her ancestral soul loss. The
audience witnessed her
I sold 6 private VIP
Virtual retreat packages (4 hour)
and 8 Marketing for Healers Toolkit
(my new product) and made $8,579 in
less than 24 hours.
I am full...and it's a
profound shift. Thank you,
Elizabeth, for your mentorship and
~ Michele Grace
"In the first month of
working with Elizabeth,
I created my first 90-day
signature program
and enrolled 4 highly
motivated, ideal
As a relatively
new business owner, I needed a
clear marketing plan, and
detailed steps for creating my
signature content and getting
it out into the world in a big
way. Also, I wanted to be sure
that creating this business
would be viable and sustainable
In the first
month of working with
Elizabeth, I created my
first 90-day signature
program and
enrolled 4 highly motivated,
ideal clients! I’ve
also learned the importance of
making personal connections
with the other amazing women in
my industry and in similar
industries. Doing so has been
very satisfying and fun! It has
taken the isolation out being a
solopreneur. I’ve also
designed my next two
programs. Best of all,
I’ve seen for myself that
my niche is
viable, and a
clear path for
future successes.
I am grateful
for Elizabeth’s skilled
coaching, for the community of
women and men in the program,
and the detailed processes that
Elizabeth has designed to make
organizing my content so much
Jessica Drummond, MPT, CHC,
1631 NE Broadway #138, Portland OR
1-888-526-5280 · teamgoddess [at] marketinggoddess [dot]
Questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch! Sales policies
are here.
Copyright © 2013 Elizabeth
Marketing Goddess is a dba of
7-Figure Goddess,
Refund Policy /
Your Guarantee:
We fully stand by this program and know if you follow the
60-Day Action Plan and do the work as directed, you’ll get
results. You can use the materials for a full 90 days. If you
do the work and don’t feel like we’ve delivered on our promise
on the registration page, we’ll refund 100% your money.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To be eligible for a refund,
you must submit your completed 60-Day Action Plan checklist and
all of the materials you used to market your program
(invitation letter and application, emails sent, etc) within 90
days from the date of your purchase. Why? Because we know if
you do the work as directed, you’ll get results. Platinum
Program Secrets is for serious, world-changing entrepreneurs
only; please do not invest in the program if you just want to
“check it out.” We’ve invested an enormous amount of time,
energy, attention and action into our business and this
program, and we expect you to do the same.
Earnings Disclaimer:
We don’t believe in get-rich-quick programs – only in changing
the world by adding value and serving others. Platinum Program
Secrets is intended to help you share your gifts and grow your
business as a result of creating massive value for your
clients. By law, we can not and do not make any guarantees
about your ability to get results or earn any money using the
ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations contained in this
program. Nothing on any of our websites or in any of our
content is a promise or guarantee of results or future
earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other
professional advice. Bottom line: you are a powerful creator
and your results in your business and life are entirely up to